
How to Install and Set Up a WordPress Multisite Network?

  • April 17, 2024
  • 3 min read
How to Install and Set Up a WordPress Multisite Network?

Expanding your online presence can be a daunting task, especially if you manage multiple WordPress websites. Fortunately, WordPress Multisite offers a convenient solution by allowing you to create and manage multiple sites from a single WordPress installation. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing and setting up a WordPress Multisite network to simplify your website management tasks.

Prepare Your WordPress Installation

Before setting up WordPress Multisite, ensure that you have a fresh WordPress installation. Backup your existing site files and database as a precautionary measure, as Multisite installation involves making changes to your WordPress setup.

  • Enable Multisite in Your WordPress Configuration: Access your WordPress site’s wp-config.php file and add the following lines of code just before the “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */” line:
/* Multisite */ define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );

Save the changes and reload your WordPress admin dashboard.

  • Install the Network: Navigate to Tools > Network Setup in your WordPress admin dashboard. Choose between subdomains or subdirectories for your network’s site structure, depending on your preference and server configuration. Enter the required network details, such as network title and admin email address, and click the “Install” button.
  • Configure Network Settings: After installing the network, WordPress will provide you with code snippets to add to your wp-config.php and .htaccess files. Follow the on-screen instructions to insert these snippets into the respective files.

Log in Again

Once you’ve updated the configuration files, log in to your WordPress admin dashboard again. You should now see a new “My Sites” menu option in the admin bar. This indicates that your Multisite network is active.

  • Manage Your Multisite Network: From the “My Sites” menu, you can access the network admin dashboard, where you can manage all sites within your Multisite network. Here, you can add new sites, manage existing ones, and configure network-wide settings such as themes, plugins, and user roles.
  • Add New Sites: To add a new site to your Multisite network, navigate to Sites > Add New in the network admin dashboard. Enter the required site details, such as site title, site address (subdomain or subdirectory), and site admin email address. Click the “Add Site” button to create the new site.
  • Customize Network Settings: Explore the network admin dashboard to customize network-wide settings to suit your preferences. Configure themes, plugins, and user roles that will apply to all sites within your Multisite network. You can also manage network users and settings from this centralized dashboard.
  • Maintain and Monitor Your Network: Regularly monitor your Multisite network for updates, security vulnerabilities, and performance issues. Install updates for WordPress core, themes, and plugins across all sites in your network to ensure optimal security and functionality.

Troubleshoot and Seek Support

If you encounter any issues or need assistance with your Multisite network, refer to WordPress documentation, forums, and support resources for guidance. WordPress Multisite has a supportive community of users and developers who can provide assistance and troubleshooting tips.


By setting up a WordPress Multisite network, you can streamline your website management tasks. Thereby, reducing maintenance overhead and scaling your online presence more efficiently. With the flexibility and convenience offered by Multisite, you can create and manage multiple sites from a single WordPress installation. This will empower you to focus on growing your digital empire with ease.

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